Cap v. Olfetal - v.d Burg-Adlerstein litter in analysis
This male is one of the few dogs that made me interested in this year’s BSP. One of the criteria – among character and health – is pedigree. To be interested I need to see a good dog with a different kind of background – instead of those obvious high-risk lines.
According to Cap v, Olfetal’s owner, he is healthy – HD/ED normal, LTV-0, DM N/N, no allergies. Also, Cap’s both parents are nicely x-rayed – HD/ED normal, LTV-0. In addition to this, Cap’s father Bosco Wolfsbankring is DM-N/N, as well as Kinski v Heidhof. A tiny downside is a fact that Cap is a large dog. Despite his size, Cap is fast and nothing attaches to his movements attention in a worrying way.
I like Cap’s drive and attitude a lot. In this years BSP his grips weren’t entirely flawless, but gripping behavior is a trait in which training can have a great impact. The full grip dog looks good, of course, but in the worst case, there is no strength in the bite, and the dog hangs on the sleeve, like “a free rider”. A dog that bites with a short grip, in turn, can bite firmly, showing strong dominance. I prefer strength/attitude over a full mouth…
I like this male also because of his liberated and complacent nature. He has balanced drives – strong prey and credible aggression. The dog is energetic and his attacks are really effective – in Cap, you can sense a natural talent and the right kind of attitude.
In addition, based on his videos, Cap v. Olfetal has very high drive durability, as his performance generally remains the same from one training and trial to another. He leaks a little under the control of the C-section, but I don’t see faults in his nerves and instead of blaming Cap, I would like to see his high drive and selfishness under a little more strict control.
Based on Cap’s training history and nature, he may well have been a full-hand job for his trainers. Today the overriding image of Cap is a balanced, cooperative, and controllable dog. For some reason, each IGP class has been worked on, or at least handled, by a different person. After the IGP 3 title, the owner/breeder of Cap has participated with him at least in LGA and BSP. The way the dog lets his handler guide himself shows that Cap is a full-headed dog. In addition, in his grips, he presents that there would be a whole lot more capacity.
My thoughts only, but in my opinion on occasionally lacking grips might be a cause from different project-like helpers and training methods. At least that would be a natural explanation for this type of dog. Why do I say that? Because once I owned a great dog just like Cap v. Olfetal.
About Cap v. Olfetal's background
Like this v.d Burg-Adlerstein litter in analysis, it is interesting how dogs and breedings, and their traits are inherited and descended from one generation and individual to another. Personnally I am more than interested, what kind of producer Cap v. Olfetal is – it will be seen in time if he will have enough offspring as the subject to analysis. Cap’s mother is an interesting bitch in both her qualities and for health reasons. Even among the small range of litters, she seems to produce offspring of its own type.
Sid Haus Pixner has been a good drive producer, but he also has some ED risk factors. Long hair and testicular failures are due to Yoschy / Mona Döllenwiese. Falk v. Wölfen has given some problems with teeth / incorrect bites.
Thyrana v. Räuber Hotzenplotz - v.d Burg-Adlerstein litter in analysis
The bitch is adequately x-rayed and healthy. I don’t know if her DM test is done purely for the sake of enlightenment, or for the influence of MINK Haus Wittfeld in her background. Based on my own observations, I consider Mink to be one potential DM factor. In addition, Mink has not been the best HD producer.
Thyrana v. Räuber Hotzenplotz also has an IGP title and breeding research. Based on the results, one could guess from the bitch’s siblings that more than one has ended up in the hands of enthusiasts. The siblings have health outcomes that speak for Thyrana.
If Thyrana is x-rayed at a young age, mention of being OCD-free is relevant. Otherwise, it is pointless to mention it in an adult dog, as OCD (osteochondrosis) is a young, growing dog’s problem. As adults, OCD would be considered osteoarthritis and diagnosed eventually in LTV x-rays.
About Thyrana's backgrounds
For a long time, it seemed that Pike del Lupo Nero was an exception to heredity in terms of health, and merely a positive factor for breeding. This idea I have had to reject. Pike can be found behind many dogs and so far I have made conclusions – as well heard breeders and dog sportlers – that he (and the P-Lupo Nero -litter) seems to be some level of an influencer when it comes to ED. Still, you can never point the finger at one dog because in combinations, both parents with their backgrounds matter.
In addition, e.g. with puppy care both the breeder and the owner have an impact on health outcomes. The pattern of inheritance, however, begins to form, when the dog has offspring and health data for examination. The famous double-edged sword. Pike’s, and at the same time the share of the whole P-litter in the occurrence of ED exists. According to my conclusions, Pike would be influenced by Bandit Oberhausener-Kreuz, indirectly.
Behind Pike’s mother is Buster v. Adelmannsfelder Land. I have personal experience from this dog (a litter of 9 healthy dogs), and although there is little information about Buster’s offspring, I dare give a positive grade on behalf of the male. On the health side, Alexia’s offspring have at least had incorrect biting and knee problems (OD).
On the maternal side of Thyrana v. Räuber Hotzenplotz, Zender has proven to be a strong producer. Although the Belgian background leaves open questions on various health issues. Zender’s father line runs via Udo v Quentawald to Orry v. Haus Antwerpa. The offspring of both males have a heavy burden on a considerable number of health problems, especially tumors and autoimmune diseases.
I have read from someone claiming that the 5th generation would no longer have individual perspective importance. I wonder on what base of knowledge the claim is based on…
I have no personal contact with the breeder. This study – v.d Burg-Adlerstein litter in analysis – can’t predict, how this litter will perform, or how their working drives will develop. I could, however, expect this litter to be strong, and maybe that is why I haven’t quite fully grasped the breeder’s idea for its implementation. Personally, I would expect such a litter to give at least potential IGP dogs for enthusiasts, even official working-dog material, but according to the breeder’s ideology, the goal for this v.d Burg-Adlerstein litter is primarily to raise nice, healthy, and full-fledged family members for domestic dog-like needs.
The breeder’s attitude, however, to the health examinations of his breeding material is positive, especially in this H- v.d Burg-Adlerstein litter. If I were looking for a puppy, this H- v.d Burg-Adlerstein litter could probably be at least on the list of considerations, in particular because of Cap v. Olfetal. When I last looked, there were still two male pups from this H- v.d Burg-Adlerstein litter looking for good homes.
This is all for now. I move forward to find the next interesting working line GSD litter for analysis.
Merry Christmas, and the joy of living in 2022 – Stay healthy!
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